

 You may be humming along in your home or classroom thinking all is fine when —BOOM! Seemingly out of nowhere one child has a meltdown. Forward momentum is completely stopped —perhaps for all, certainly for one. Sobbing. Falling to the floor. Running away. Lashing...
Back to the Shallows In Math

Back to the Shallows In Math

If math were a pool, the most successful swimmers would be those who were given ample time in their formative years playing (ie: developing skills) in the shallow end. In a real swimming pool a child learns the skills necessary for good swimming, such as how to float...
Seismic Worldview Shift

Seismic Worldview Shift

I grew up near the San Andreas fault in Southern California. I know well what happens when the plates of the earth shift and settle. I also know what happens when my established way of thinking does the same. A mental seismic shift may not register on anyone’s Richter...
Why I’m Glad I’m a Slow Learner

Why I’m Glad I’m a Slow Learner

I’ll admit it. School was not always a fun place to be a slow learner. Some classmates thought me dull. Some teachers considered me lazy at first, then defiant. Not doing work at an acceptable (or accelerated) pace must be direct disobedience, or so some thought. I...
Open the Door

Open the Door

I tried out for a part in a musical once. I was one of the last to audition. While waiting, I heard the same lines sung over and over and over. I had those lines down cold!  Yet, when it was finally my turn, I reversed the first two lines. I never sang in that...

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